- The CuraVac MG Targeted Active Therapy received the support of the European Commission in the form of a grant of € 6 million of a total budget of € 7.5 million.
- MYASTERIX was a 5-year European Collaborative Project supported by the European Commission under the Health Cooperation Work Program of the 7th Framework Program under the Grant Agreement nº 602420. For official details from the European Commission, please follow the link to the official Community Research and Development Information Service.
The development of the phase 2 efficacy clinical trial with CV-MG02, a more potent formulation of the MG Targeted Active Therapy is currently supported by the technological research and development departement of the Wallonia Public Service (SPW).
- Before the creation of CuraVac, the underlying fundamental research was supported by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA).